How to Choose the Right Pair of Headphones for You?
Choosing headphones? You got this.
Of all the everyday gadgets that impact quality of life, headphones are near or at the top of the list. We run with them on, we take them to bed, we wear them on trains and planes - some of us even eat, drink, and go to sleep under headphones. The point? A good pair improves your quality of life. And a not-so-good pair? Not so much. So stick with us here, and in the next 5-10 minutes we’ll cut through the confusion, help you narrow your choices, and maybe even open your eyes as well as your ears. And if you’re just looking for some of the most commonly asked questions. headphone accessories, or want to skip ahead to see a list of our favorites, go for it — we’ll meet you further down.
6 Steps to Choosing the Right Headphones:
Headphone Buying Guide Cheat Sheet
If you only want to read one thing, read this.
Here are the most important things to ask yourself and know when choosing your next pair of headphones, bite size.
1. How will you use them? Do you use the clock more at home or at work; are you looking for headphones that won't fall off while jogging? Or a headset that blocks the world on a crowded plane? Bottom line: How you plan to use your headphones should influence the type of headphones you buy. And there are several types.
2. What type of headphones do you want? Headphones are worn over the ear, while headphones cover the entire ear. While in-ears aren't the best for pristine audio quality, you can do jump jacks in them -- and they won't fall out.
3. Do you want wired or wireless? Wired = Consistent perfect full-strength signal, but you're still connected to your device (your phone, tablet, computer, mp3 player, TV, etc.). Wireless = You can move around freely and even dance to your favorite songs as you like, but sometimes the signal is not 100%. (Though most wireless headphones come with cables, so you can get the best of both worlds.)
4. Do you want to close or open? Hermetically closed, meaning there are no holes to the outside world (everything is sealed). Open, such as open back, with holes and/or perforations to the outside world. Close your eyes, the former makes sure you stay in your own world with nothing but music. The latter lets your music output, creating a more natural listening experience (similar to regular stereo).
5. Choose a trusted brand. Especially headphones that have a certain reputation locally, or brands that are used by users. We have a rep for testing and reviewing brands - we put them all on the gallows.
6. Purchase new headphones from an authorized dealer. Provide a one-year warranty period, which can make you use it safely and at ease. And get the manufacturer's warranty, service and support. (In our aftermarket cases, support is guaranteed even long after the sale.)
7. Or just skip the rest and buy one of the ones listed here: The Best Headphones of 2022. Then give yourself an experience with it. You can now own what our experts say are the best headphones anywhere for any price. any problem? You are welcome to call and speak with one of our sales experts anytime.
Step 1. Identify how you will use your headphones.
Will you be using your headphones while traveling, sitting in your listening room, or at the gym? Or maybe all three? Different headphones will be better for different situations — and the rest of this guide will help you identify the right ones for you.

Step 2: Choose the right headphone type.
the most important decision.
Before we discuss wireless changes, noise cancellation, smart features, and more, you'll need to decide which type of headphone you prefer, so let's get started. The three basic variants of headphone styles are over-ear, on-ear, and in-ear.

Over-Ear Headphones
The largest of the three types, over-ear headphones surround or cover your ears and hold them in place with light pressure on the temples and upper jaw. For the other two, this style is more suitable for use in office or commuting. Over-ear headphones are classic original headphones that come in two versions: closed-back and open-back. Closed-back headphones naturally retain your music, preventing others around you from hearing what you're listening to, while open-back headphones have openings that let outside sound in and inside sound out. (The effect here is a more natural, spacious sound, but more on that later.)
The Good
Over-ear headphones are the only type that leave space between your ears and the headphone speakers. On a good pair, the space is like what a good concert hall does: immersing you in natural sound while giving you a sense of distance from the performance. So music on a good pair of over-ear headphones is killer, which is why so many sound engineers and music producers prefer them.
The not Good
Typical in-ear headphone complaints include: Too bulky. too big. claustrophobia. I can't hear the doorbell. "My ears feel hot." After an hour, I had ear fatigue. (Whatever that is.) But remember, comfort is a matter of personal preference. Some of the more premium headphones feature materials like lambskin and memory foam for added comfort.
what else?
If you try running or exercising with over-ear headphones on, they can make your ears sweat. But if you're on a 6-hour flight and you really, really need to isolate yourself from the world, over-ear is best—especially with built-in noise cancellation. Usually the built-in battery is larger than the other 2 models, and the use experience is more comfortable. In the end, bigger sound is always better, bigger over-ear headphones = bigger speakers + bigger (longer) battery life.
P.S. The fit and finish of a pair of high-end over-ear headphones is usually gorgeous.

On-Ear Headphones
On-ear headphones are generally smaller and lighter than over-ear headphones, and they stay on your head via pressure directly on your ears, like ear muffs. On-ear headphones also come in open and closed variations, but as a rule, on-ear will let more ambient sound through than over-ear headphones.
The Good
On-ear headphones are the best compromise between blotting the aural world out while letting some sound in, making it ideal for the office or your at-home listening room. Many models fold up into a neat little portable package, and some say on-ear headphones don’t get hot like over-ear headphones. (Though we think the “hot” issue is, no pun intended, usually only an issue if you're working out in them and get overheated. Nothing actually gets hot.)
The Not-So-Good
Typical on-ear headphone complaints: Too much pressure on the ears hurts after a while. They fall off when I shake my head. Some ambient sound gets in no matter what. They pinch my earrings. I miss the deeper bass tones you get with over-ear models.
What else?
Some would argue that a good pair of on-ear headphones (with excellent noise cancellation built-in) is on par with an over-ear equivalent at the same price

Step 3: Closed or Open Headphones?
closed-back headphones
It usually covers your ears completely, plus the function of noise reduction. Here, the case has no holes or vents, and the entire structure is designed to cover your ears. (The part that touches your face and seals the space between your ears and the outside world is of course some kind of soft cushioning material.) The drivers sit in the earcups in a way that sends (or points) All sound is only in your ears. This is the most common design of all types of headphones (over-ear, on-ear, and in-ear).
The end result: close your eyes and you'll have an orchestra playing live in your head. Meanwhile, the person next to you can't hear anything. (Well, nothing is technically 100% leak-proof when it comes to audio, but you get the idea.) Bottom line: With closed-back headphones, you're in your own world. Just add noise reduction technology and your world will look a far cry from the real world.
open-back headphones
Open Headphones. It is more comfortable to wear and more convenient to use. See the vents and holes? When the driver is exposed to the outside world (rather than sitting in the ear cups), sound passes through and allows air to flow in and out of the ears. This creates a wider sound (or soundstage) and the illusion of normal stereo. Some say it's a more natural, less contrived way to listen to music. If we stick to the "like listening to an orchestra" analogy, this time you're in the conductor's seat, on the musician's stage.
The only caveat: everyone around you will hear the music you're listening to, so they're not suitable for public places like planes or trains. The best place to listen to open-back headphones: at home or in the office (next to a co-worker who knows very well, of course.) So the general advice is to use it at home, pack your chores with music, and still hear the sounds around you.
So now, hopefully, you know what type of headphones you prefer, and whether you want closed-back or open-back support. So let's move on...the good stuff is next.

Step 4: Wired or Wireless?
It's easy, but we say it's a matter of personal preference.
First, a brief history: Once upon a time, someone invented bluetooth, and then someone put it into a pair of headphones (basically invented the world's first pair of wireless headphones), and while yes, it's obviously a good idea, But there's one big problem: The music from the first-generation Bluetooth earphones sounded terrible. As bad as an AM radio in a tiny, jagged scary...or a bowl of water.
That's how it was then. This is now. Today's premium Bluetooth wireless earphones are fantastic, and the sound quality is nearly indistinguishable from wired versions of the same product. You have two different types to choose from: wireless and true wireless.
Wireless headphones have a cable that connects two earbuds, like a Bose SoundSport in your ear. With true wireless headphones like the Bose SoundSport Free, there are no wires for connecting to music sources, nor between each earbud (see below).
We could list the benefits of wireless earphones—a sense of freedom, no longer physically tethered to the device, etc.—but why? It's simple: If you can afford wireless headphones, get them. After all, just about every pair of wireless headphones on the market today comes with a cable, so you can still get the best of both worlds.
That said, there are still two important reasons to consider wired headphones. First: If you're a serious musician, sound engineer, and/or audio technician, you'll want wired headphones for higher quality audio and consistently better sound -- no matter the conditions.
The same goes for audiophiles and/or anyone born for music.
The second big reason for wired wireless is battery life. Bluetooth continuously drains the battery and you can never really predict when the battery will run out. (Although most wireless earphones will last 10 to 20+ hours.)

Step 5: Noise cancelation.
To hear, or not to hear? That is the question.
Quick recap.
Ideally, at this point, you’ve picked your headphone style: Over-Ear, On-Ear, or In-Ear. Then you chose either the open-back or closed-back design. Next, you weighed the benefits of wireless and noise-canceling technologies. Now, it’s on to the little – but still valuable – extras.
Back in 1978, an up-and-coming company called Bose became NASA-like, throwing its considerable talents against a sophisticated noise-canceling technology that would take 11 years to perfect in their headphones. Today, that technology is only better, and in fact, Sony’s own version is so otherworldly good, you’d think they’re using witchcraft or magic somehow.
The real story here: there are two different types of noise cancelation headphone technology, and both works to eliminate the noise around you (like the annoying barking dog next door or the kids watching cartoons) so you can focus on your music. “Active noise-canceling,” is a new methodology where unwanted sounds are eliminated via new sounds created and tailored to cancel them out. “Passive noise-reduction” is less expensive, needs no power, and uses insulating techniques to prevent unwanted noise.
Enough backstory. Here’s the deal:
If you haven’t bought headphones in the last three years, you’re in for a really nice surprise. It’s hard to overstate how much better quality headphones are – over-ear, on-ear, or in-ear – with the latest noise-canceling tech inside. Whether it’s the sound of a busy plane or train interior, the city at night, the buzz of nearby office workers, or even the hum of light machinery nearby, it all goes away, leaving nothing but you and your music.
The best noise-canceling headphones are indeed pricey (expect to spend upwards of $50-$200), and contenders for “best of noise-canceling” include MVPs like Bose, and Sony, Apple, and Huawei.

Step 6. Options, add-ons, and accessories.
A few ways to make a good thing even better.

Headphone amplifiers range from $99 to $5000. (No doubt Bruno Mars has the 5K one.) Why you’d want one: A good headphone amp takes headphone performance up a few notches, from “hey, that sounds better” to “wow, Taylor Swift is way better than I thought.” How it works: Among other things, a headphone amp will access nuanced low-level digital information often buried during recording. The result: more clarity, a bigger dynamic range, and incredible detail.
Using a headphone amp is easy as 1, 2, 3. 1) Plug in the headphone amp AC. 2) Connect the headphone amp to your device with the right patch cord. Most amps come with different patch cords, just pick the one that works with your device, whether a phone, tablet, receiver, etc. 3) Plug your headphones into your new headphone amp. Done.
DAC = Digital to Analog Converter. Digital music in the form of an MP3 file is heavily compressed, and as a result, lacks the detail and dynamics that were part of the original analog recording. But a DAC turns that digital file back into an analog file… and that analog film is much closer to the original studio recording. Although every digital music player already comes with a DAC, a separate, better DAC will convert your music files more faithfully. The result: better, richer, cleaner, more accurate sound. (A DAC requires a headphone amp to work, although most of the ones you'll find are amps, too.)
A DAC lives between your device – whatever you listen to music on (smartphone, tablet, mp3 player, and so on) –& and your headphones. One cord connects your DAC to your device, and another cord connects your headphones to your DAC. You’re up and running in seconds.
Cables & Stands
Many over-ear headphones will come with their own cases to protect against dust, dirt, and damage. But if you listen to them frequently and want to show them off, a headphone stand is a great option for displaying your gear. In the case that you need to upgrade your headphone cable or ear cups, some brands sell replacement parts to keep your headphones like new.
What about music type?
What headphones work best for listening to progressive rock? What about contemporary classical music?
At the end of the day, headphone preference is totally subjective. Some might prefer a little more bass, even though they only listen to baroque classics, while someone else really cares about the vocals in hip-hop. So our advice: it isn’t something you’ll need to worry about. And if you’re purchasing a premium pair of headphones (think $600+), you can be sure every little detail is delivered with pristine clarity.
Why such big differences in prices?
A high-end pair of headphones, say anything in the $1K to $5K range, is built using the finest materials, and more often than not, assembled, calibrated and tested by hand. (Headphones less than $1K are typically mostly robot-built, like most cars, with some hand-assembly.)
For example, the earcups on Focal’s Utopia headphones are wrapped in Italian lambskin leather over high-density, memory-foam. The yoke is perfectly balanced, made from carbon fiber, also leather wrapped, and really, really comfortable. Inside, pure beryllium speaker drivers, and not to get overly technical: a frequency response from Focal’s transducer that ranges from 5Hz to more than 50kHz – without any crossover or passive filtering – which is amazing, and very close to perfect. Even the cord is special, and specifically selected to respect and maintain the original audio signal with a special shielding to protect it from interference.
On the lower end, if you can live without Italian lambskin and pure beryllium drivers, you can still get spectacular sound for far less. (And BTW, at World Wide Stereo, if we don’t think something’s worth the money because of inferior sound quality or build quality – we don’t carry it.)
What about the warranty?
When you buy from an authorized dealer, your new headphones come with a full manufacturer's warranty. What's more, with an authorized dealer, you also get phone and email support from the dealer, as well as support from the manufacturer. Yison, with a complete after-sales service system, has a one-year warranty period, to solve the worries for customers, contact us directly or contact the dealer who purchased it.
Why is my headphone volume always so low and flickering affecting sound quality?
There could be several reasons! Here are some things to note:
·1. Check your hardware. Make sure they are fully plugged in and make sure your hardware (jacks) are clean. If you use earplugs, make sure they are clean and not clogged. For wired headphones, make sure the wires of the headphones are not damaged in any way.
· 2.For wireless headphones, you may experience interference from objects such as metal tables between the devices. You should also make sure you're not too far away from the device, within 10 meters; this will weaken the connection and may affect your listening experience.
3.You can follow the instruction manual, restart the headset and connect the phone to use it again.
Why do my headphones hurt my ears?
There are a few reasons headphones/earbuds cause discomfort. First things first, make sure they’re well-adjusted and fit right. A poor fit can put excess pressure on your head and ears and cause irritation and discomfort.
You should also watch how loud you listen to music. We get it, sometimes you just gotta turn the volume up! Just do it responsibly. Volume levels at or above a threshold of 85 decibels can cause hearing loss, ear pain, or tinnitus.
If you use earbuds, you have the aforementioned noise risks, but if not cleaned properly they can introduce bacteria and allergens into the ear canal. Everyone's ears are different, if your earbuds/headphones didn’t come with different size earpieces, that could also cause discomfort if they don’t properly fit your ears.
Are headphones bad for you?
It’s all about moderation and responsibility. If you use headphones at lower volume levels, don’t have them on 24/7, clean your earbuds, and take the extra time to make sure that everything fits and feels right, you should be just fine. However, if you play your music as loud as you can all day every day, never clean your earbuds, and wear headphones that don’t fit, you may run into some issues.
Which headphones are the best?
What a loaded question… That depends on what you’re looking for! Do you want portability? Superior noise cancelling? How passionate are you about audio quality? Think about what you want most out of your headphones and take it from there! Once you have an idea of what you want take a look at our Best Headphones of 2022 list to see our recommendations for any need at every price point.
Can headphones cause tinnitus?
Yes. If you regularly listen to music at or above an 85-decibel threshold you can cause temporary or permanent hearing damage and tinnitus. So be safe! Just turn the volume down a few notches, you’ll be happy you did.
Are headphones better than earbuds?
Earbuds tend to be cheaper, more portable, and better for use when working out. However, headphones tend to deliver better audio quality, noise cancellation, and battery life.
Because earbuds are in your ears the volume level can naturally increase by 6-9 decibels, and since the noise cancellation is usually not as good as over-ear headphones you may find yourself reaching for the volume button more often. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s very easy to get carried away and listen to music at ear damaging volumes without even realizing the damage you’re doing.
Are headphones waterproof?
It may be hard to find a waterproof pair of headphones, but there are waterproof earbuds! Take a look at our selection of waterproof earbuds here.
Will headphones help with airplane pressure?
Ordinary headphones will not help. The popping effect is caused by changing air pressure and density inside the plane. However, there are some special earplugs made to help deal with changing pressure!
Noise cancelling headphones can also help you enjoy the rest of your flight by drowning out loud engine noise and helping you sleep better during long flights. Studies have found that listening to music has reduced anxiety by a whopping 68%! So grab a pair of noise cancelling headphones (we recommend the Sony WH-1000XM4s), block out the excess flight noise and noisy seat neighbors, put on your favorite playlist or podcast and relax.
Are you a factory or trading company?
A: YISON design and manufacture earphone over 21 years, our factory is located in Dongguan city, Chia. Headquarter in Guangzhou.
How to do the payment?
A: Paypal, Western Union, T/T bank transfer, L/C... (30% deposit before producing.)
How do you ship the goods and how long will it take?
A: We usually ship by DHL, UPS, FedEx, or TNT, by sea, by air. It usually takes 5—10 days to arrive.
How about your after-services?
A: If there are quality problem issued, contact us immediately, we will replace any defective products, give you best solution ways.
Still not sure?
Up to 2021, YISON has more than 300 products including wired earphones, wireless earphones, headphones, TWS earphones, wireless speakers, usb cable etc., and has obtained more than 100 product patent certificates. All products of YISON comply with RoHS and CE , FCC and other international certifications, we are constantly pursuing higher quality products to meet customer needs. So far our products have been sold to more than 70 countries and regions around the world. our brand stores and agent stores will continue to increase in the future, we look forward to cooperating with you!
Thank you for reading – and enjoy your awesome new headphones!
Yison&Celebrat Earphones.
About Yison&Celebart Earphones
Yison was established in Hong Kong in 1998, dedicated to the research and development, design, production and sales of mobile phone accessories as an integrated mobile phone accessories company. We have more than 100 certificates and patents, and have a high investment in independent research and development, which is why our products sell well.
A professional production team ensures the quality of each product and provides customers with high-quality products; a professional sales team makes more profits for customers; a perfect after-sales service team solves customers' worries; a systematic logistics supply chain, Provides a safety guarantee for the safe delivery of each order of the customer.